Remote Coaching

develop your game from anywhere in the world

Remote coaching is a great way to access Chris’s knowledge, either if you live too far away to see Chris personally, or to make sure you keep on the right tracks in-between face to face lessons.  All you need is access to the internet, and off you go.  Just video yourself and send to Chris and he will send back tailor made advice as to what you need to do in order to improve.  You can even have face to face coaching using platforms such as Zoom, which really makes this type of coaching effective.

“It’s like having your golf coach in your pocket 24/7, 365 days of the year … what could be better than that?”

Also – Remote Coaching needs to be for a minimum of 3 months commitment to make sure we can make significant improvements

You Will Need

How it works

Get The App

Remote coaching from the Chris Jenkins Golf Academy is made possible with the use of the Coach Now app. You can download the app for your device here:

Remote Coaching Packages

One Analysis

£ 35 Per Analysed Video
  • This is for players who might not want to commit to a monthly remote coaching option yet, and just want a one time video analysis of their golf swing.
  • Purchase this Package
  • Download Coach Now and connect to Chris Jenkins as your Coach
  • Upload Your Golf technique videos
  • Receive a detailed analysis by Chris in your Coach Now space within 48 hours


£ 99 Per Monthly
  • Initial Consultation
  • Player Development Plan Created
  • 1 x 1:1 Zoom Coaching a Month
  • 1 x Response to any Coach Now video uploaded per week


£ 250 Per Monthly
  • Initial Consultation
  • Player Development Plan Created
  • 1 x 1:1 Zoom Coaching a Week
  • 1 x Response to any Coach Now video uploaded per week


£ 300 Per Monthly
  • Initial Consultation
  • Player Development Plan Created
  • 1 x 1:1 Zoom Coaching a Week
  • UNLIMITED Response to any Coach Now video uploaded per week

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